The Placentome is an international consortium of mathematicians, bioengineers, physiologists and clinicians with interests in the human placenta as a complex integrated system.
The Placentome Atlas is a collection of placental structural and functional datasets that facilitate data sharing, discovery and reuse.
Identify mechanisms of placental structure and function interaction in norm and pathology
Provide a platform for collaboration, data and model sharing, standardization and validation
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario
Clarkson University
King's College London
Placental Analytics LLC
St Mary's Hospital, Manchester
Tel Aviv University
University of Auckland
University of Bern
University of Cambridge
University of Manchester
University of Nottingham
University of Southampton
University of Western Australia
Funding acknowledgements
The Placentome Atlas data generated by the consortium members have been supported by
Current coordinators: Igor Chernyavsky (Manchester) and Alys Clark (Auckland)
admin [replace with @] placentome.org